Commercial Explosives list

The following is a list of attributes of different explosives. Each item is clickable and will direct you to separate page describing their attributes.

Hover over me This table contains tooltips, that display additional information about attributes

Detonation Velocity Speed of shockwave through the material, similar metric to TNT equivalent
Chemical formula
TNT 6,900m/s C7H5N3O6
Nitroglycerin 7,770m/s C3H5N3O9
Black powder
~450m/s Black powder is a low explosive due to low detonation velocity
2(KNO3) + S + 3C Simplified, and only includes active elements
ANFO 3,200m/s NH4NO3 + CH2
RDX 8,750m/s C3H6N6O6
Ammonium nitrate 2,500m/s NH4NO3